8 Things Not To Do In Seychelles In 2023 For Avoiding A Social Faux Pas


Seychelles, a breathtaking archipelago in the Indian Ocean, is renowned for its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture. While visiting this paradise in 2023, it’s essential to be mindful of the local customs and traditions to avoid any social faux pas. This article will guide you through eight crucial things not to do in Seychelles to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience during your trip.

Respecting Local Traditions

Seychelles has a diverse cultural heritage, influenced by various communities. To avoid social missteps, take the time to understand the cultural norms prevalent in the islands. Embrace the local greeting customs, which often involve a warm handshake and a smile. When invited into someone’s home, remember to remove your shoes as a sign of respect.

Conserving the Environment

Seychelles boasts some of the most beautiful natural environments in the world, and it’s crucial to protect them. Respect marine life by not touching or disturbing coral reefs while snorkeling or diving. Dispose of your waste responsibly and refrain from leaving any litter on the beaches or in nature reserves.

Appropriate Attire

The tropical climate of Seychelles calls for light and breathable clothing. However, when visiting public places or local villages, it’s essential to dress modestly as a sign of respect for the local culture. Avoid wearing revealing clothing in these settings.

Photography Etiquette

While Seychelles offers numerous picturesque moments, always be mindful of photographing people without their permission. Some locals may not feel comfortable being photographed, especially in religious or private settings. Respect their privacy and seek permission before capturing their images.

Avoiding Public Display of Affection (PDA)

Seychelles is known for its romantic ambiance, but public displays of affection can be considered disrespectful in this cultural setting. Keep expressions of affection private and within the confines of your accommodation.

Mindful Consumption

Support the local economy by purchasing goods and services from local businesses. This helps the community thrive and preserves the authenticity of your experience. Additionally, practice responsible tourism by choosing eco-friendly activities and accommodations.

Understanding Tipping Culture

Tipping practices vary across different countries, and Seychelles is no exception. Some restaurants and hotels may include a service charge in the bill, but if not, a 10% tip is generally appreciated for excellent service.

Avoiding Taboo Topics

While engaging in conversations with locals, it’s best to avoid discussing sensitive topics like religion and politics. These subjects can be deeply personal and may lead to misunderstandings or discomfort.


By adhering to these essential guidelines, you can ensure that your trip to Seychelles in 2023 is not only memorable but also respectful of the local culture and environment. Embrace the unique traditions, revel in the natural beauty, and forge meaningful connections with the people you meet along the way.


Is Seychelles a safe destination for travelers in 2023?

Seychelles is generally considered safe for travelers. However, like any other place, it’s essential to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions.

Can I wear a bikini on all the beaches in Seychelles?

While most beaches in Seychelles are suitable for wearing bikinis, it’s best to cover up when visiting local villages or more conservative areas out of respect for local customs.

Are there any restrictions on taking shells or corals as souvenirs?

Removing shells, corals, and other natural items from the beaches is discouraged as it disrupts the ecosystem. Respect the environment and leave natural elements where they belong.

Is the local cuisine suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, Seychelles offers a variety of delicious vegetarian dishes that cater to different dietary preferences.

How can I participate in local festivals and events?

Check with the local tourism office or accommodations for information about upcoming festivals and events. Participating in these festivities can offer a unique cultural experience.

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