Passenger Namer Record Status

Nowadays, it’s easy to figure out the Passenger Name Record status of the Indian Railway ticket booking with all the recent developments that have taken place in the sector. You will have to submit the 10-digit PNR number and select a button which says Get PNR Status. This number is on the railways’ upper left corner of the ticket assigned to you. The interface can help you find the seat status you have reserved. And you can check this no matter what railway zone it is concerned with; North, Central or South.             

Many more services have come into the picture these days with the constant technological developments that keep taking place. The SMS service is one such service that can help you find out without involving many hassles in the process. Also, there are other ways to check the seat status you have booked. 

After using it, you’ll get a reply with details of the train reservation. The seat number will e mentioned. You can also book tickets in advance, till 90 days before the day of travelling. Booking in advance will secure a berth for you. 

From the ticket assigned, you can find the berth and coach numbers. If a berth cannot be confirmed at the time of booking, a ticket will be given to you with the WL or RAC status.

RAC stands for Reservation Against Cancellation, and WL stands for the Waiting list. The first one means the passenger does not have a berth reserved against his name, but he or she will be given a seat in the class and train he chooses to travel in.

 The WL stands for Waiting list status, the number of which is determined by the railway officers. This generally happens at a time close to the date of travel. The amount paid is the same for the ticket, and this passenger is guaranteed that they will be provided with a seat in case a reservation is canceled at the last minute.

 This ticket is given only to a few people, but no seat or berth is guaranteed to the commuter. These people are allowed only if they are assigned RAC tickets to cancel their booking. The RAC and WL tickets have two numbers divided by a slash symbol. After a specific count, WL tickets are not supplied. The status ‘REGRET’ is flashed on the screen, and one cannot book more wait-listed tickets.

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