Agra to Jaipur: Travel from the Land of Taj Mahal to the Land of Majesties

Taj Mahal in Agra is one of the ‘Seven Wonders of the World’ as already declared by UNESCO in 1983. The city of Agra which is a part of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh sits on the banks of the holy Yamuna River. The city is bordered by Mathura in the north, Dhalpur in the south, Firozabad in the east and Bharatpur in the west.

Agra is a city historically important and mentioned in Indian mythologies. The city was previously known as Arya Griha or ‘the home of the Aryans’. Delhi Sultan Sikandar Lodhi is believed to have built this spectacular city in 1504. After Sikandar Lodhi’s death, Ibrahim Lodhi, his son, continued to rule the region until he was defeated by Mughal Emperor Babur in the first battle of Panipat. 

Jaipur is best known as the ‘Pink City’ or ‘The Paris of India’ with its beauty which is distinct from other parts of the country. The city spreads across a partly desert terrain in north western India and is the capital city of Rajasthan, an Indian state. Jaipur is believed to be India’s first planned city which was built in 1727 by the king of Amber, Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II. The architect who was appointed for the purpose was the Bengali architect, Vidyadhar Bhattacharya. Initially, Jaipur was a walled city but now it has expanded beyond that. The city was planned according to the ‘vastushastra’ (Vedic concept of architecture). 

It is possible to travel from Agra to Jaipur by flight, buses and trains. Agra which is in Uttar Pradesh and Jaipur in Rajasthan are places located pretty close to each other. In fact, the distance between the two is just 233 kilometers. It is possible to easily cover this distance in just 4 hours of time by road. Since both cities have their own airports, domestic flights ply regularly from Agra to Jaipur. The prices of flight tickets are rather economical and cheap. Nowadays, with several online booking sites available on the internet, it is possible to book tickets in a matter of seconds without being hassled.

Buses and private cars are also available from Agra to Jaipur. Within a range from Rs.192 to Rs.314, you will be able to book seats in buses connecting the two cities. Trains such as Marudhar Express, Ibadat Express, Hwh Ju Express are available on this route at a really affordable rate.

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